Workshop 1
March 30th-April 8th, 2016
This workshop focused on script development, bringing our writing team together for 10 days to focus specifically on creating the first draft of the outline and individual scripts. Our process began with a research trip to PUBLIC, a Michelin starred restaurant. Executive Chef Brad Farmerie hosted our creative team by designing a special tasting menu for the evening which was out of this world! In between courses we studied where we studied the interpersonal dynamics throughout the room, observed the proximity between tables and diners, listened to the layered soundscape, talked with the staff, and discussed themes of connection and expectation.
The writers spent the next nine days developing the first full drafts of their individual plays, each of which takes place in real time at a table, or among the staff in the restaurant we’re creating. The team also worked with Marlo (our director), on a detailed outline which intricately mapped out how we would interweave the individual plays into one larger cohesive narrative – so as to ultimately create a theatrical experience that feels akin to watching a naturalistic, three-act play with two intermissions (which is when the appetizers and entrées will be served). On the second day and tenth day of the workshop we brought in an ensemble of eleven actors to cold read the new pages and developing draft. Below is the cast of actors that participated.
April 2016 CAST
Harris Doran (Hair), Sasha Eden (Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby), Carson Elrod (Wedding Crashers), Harriett D. Foy (Orange Is The New Black), Noelle Franco, Miguel Govea (Vinyl), Nina Hellman (Wet Hot American Summer), Keith Nobbs (Lombardi), Molly-Ann Nordin (Happily Ever After), Andy Lucien (City of Conversation), Madeline Mccray (Fences), Brian McManamon (Gotham), John-Andrew Morrison (Dogeaters), Debargo Sanyal (When January Feels Like Summer), Carmen Zilles (Small Mouth Sounds)

Workshop 2
September 7th-17th, 2016
Our second writer’s workshop began with a cold read through of what we lovingly call the ‘Franken-draft’ at ART NY. The following day we reconvened to review and edit our outline and discover the moments where the characters in each play begin to intersect and connect with one another. Carla’s Southern Kitchen provided gastronomic inspiration for the second day of our workshop, and by day three, the playwrights were off and running to write their next drafts. Five days later we reconvened at The Lark to hear new pages aloud. Amy’s Bread provided an outrageously delicious catered luncheon and Carla joined us for an afternoon read through, where Marlo spread out the actors throughout the room, so the playwrights could begin to experience the changed dynamic due to an immersive staging. The following day we enjoyed brunch (Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas included) and set a course for the upcoming development process. The following are the wonderful actors that participated in this second workshop. Thank you to everyone that helped.
Josiah Bania (Ironbound), John Behlmann (The Wolf of Wall Street), Jeb Brown (Beautiful: The Carole King Musical), Frank DeJulio (The Night Of), Hari Dhillon (Disgraced), Sasha Eden (BFF), Darcy Fowler (Louie), Andrew Guilarte (Jessica Jones), Jessica Love (Bottom Of The World), Andy Lucien (City of Conversation), John-Andrew Morrison (Dogeaters), Didi O'Connell (The Affair), Flor De Liz Perez (The Mother F**ker With The Hat), Jacob-Sebastian Phillps (Zombie Apocolypse), Laila Robbins (Homeland), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Girls), Heather Velazquez (Another Word for Beauty), Carmen Zilles (Small Mouth Sounds)